Photofacials Treatment

What are the benefits of a photofacial?
Photofacials work to help rejuvenate sun damaged skin, wrinkles and enlarged oil glands. These facials also help to treat moderate to severe acne, rosacea and mild acne scarring. IPL is short for Intense Pulsed Light. IPL treatments are known by many names including Photo Rejuvenation, FotoFacial™, PhotoFacial™, PhotoDerm™, EpiLight™, MultiLight™, PlasmaLight and EpiFacial. And although we sometimes refer to it as a laser treatment, it’s technically not a laser. The machine generates short bursts of very bright light which are absorbed by red and brown pigment. IPL skin treatments are a safe, effective and popular way to improve the signs of aging from the face, neck, chest, arms and hands.

This in-office procedure and typically requires four to six sessions of about 20 minutes each, performed at approximately three-week intervals Before treatment, a numbing gel is usually applied to the area to be treated, and patients are given protective eyewear. During treatment, the chilled surface of the IPL handpiece is gently applied to the skin, delivering precise pulses of light to the area being treated.

Photofacial prep

IPL treatments are usually pain-free. photofacials treatment pune, laser treatment for skin Some patients compare the sensation to a light pinch or the snap of a rubber band. Treatment sessions usually last about 20 minutes, and a complete program usually includes four to six sessions. After treatment, patients can immediately return to normal routines and activities. Occasionally evidence of treatment such as redness or blotchiness may last for an hour or two.

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