Thread Lift

The reason thread lifts emerged because several individuals would want to have a facelift, but couldn’t afford it or didn’t want the long recovery time of the standard facelift. The popularity of this procedure might have decreased but if it’s done properly they can still be a useful tool. It’s probably better considered as a lesser or preliminary procedure. This surgical procedure cost less and need less downtime for several people.

thread lift

It’s seen that some surgeons promote this procedure as a lunchtime lift or weekend facelift. Generally, it can be performed in about an hour.

Apt People for Thread Lift
It’s a general tendency that as we age, our facial support structure weakens and as a result, we lose facial fat. Typically, the areas that get affected include the eyebrows, cheeks and other areas around the eyes, the neck, and the jowls. The result is a longer, older looking face. People who are young in age might experience cheek and brow ptosis ( sagging due to weakened muscles) as well. For these individuals, especially, this procedure might be a good option to the more invasive procedures essential to correct problems in the faces of older people.

Individuals having minimal signs of aging and who need just a small lift are the perfect candidates for thread lifts. Most individuals who undergo thread lifts are women between 35 and 45. They opt for this procedure as they have begun to see more prominence of the jaw, a relaxed mild facial appearance or slight bags under the eyes or on the neck. People with high age might undergo a thread lift during the more aggressive facelift procedure to provide additional support for the soft tissue area that was elevated in the facelift.

Other candidates for this procedure include those who have had some relapse from an earlier plastic surgery procedure such as neck lift or facelift. Several physicians combine this procedure with others such as neck, chin and brow lifts.

During the procedure, your surgeon might instruct you to refrain from eating or drinking after midnight before the procedure. He could prescribe an antibiotic to take in advance and tell you to stop taking certain other medications. During the procedure, your surgeon will make small incisions in key locations and insert a threaded needle to lift the subcutaneous tissue and suspend the lift with the thread. The barbs on these threads will lock in place and encourage the formation of collagen upon insertion to lift very precise areas.

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