Cryotherapy Treatment

Skin & Surgery International - Cryotherapy Treatment Treatment in Pune

It is the use of local freezing for controlled destruction or removal of living tissues by “no touch” technique. Liquid nitrogen gas is used to freeze, and then gently but effectively destroy unwanted lesions such as warts, keratoses and other such growths. It can be used safely on the face, and children as well can undergo the treatment.

Pre- and post-procedure instructions

  • Keep the bandage on for 24 hours
  • Apply an antibiotic cream twice a day till the scabs fall off

Post-procedure symptoms:

Throbbing pain may be experienced in the treated area for a few days after the procedure. In some cases, blister formation might occur, but it will subside in a few days.

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What is cryotherapy?

Cryotherapy is a medical treatment that involves using extreme cold to destroy abnormal or diseased tissues, such as warts, precancerous cells, and certain skin lesions.

How does cryotherapy work?

Cryotherapy works by applying liquid nitrogen or another freezing agent to the targeted area, causing the tissue to freeze, which then destroys the abnormal cells.

What conditions can be treated with cryotherapy?

Commonly treated conditions include warts, skin tags, precancerous lesions, some skin cancers, and age spots.

What is the recovery time after cryotherapy?

Recovery is typically quick, with most people resuming normal activities immediately. Minor discomfort and redness may occur for a few days.

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