Acne Scars

Acne Scar Laser Treatment at Skin & Surgery International

We understand; Acne Scars in addition to scarring skin also scars patients’ psyche and confidence. Each year thousands of patients undergo a combination of procedures; at our clinics to improve the appearance of acne scars and their confidence levels. It is one of our expertise and most commonly done procedure areas; as we have special experience in delivering excellent reductions in acne scars. We use a lot of procedures and do a careful mix-n-match for all patients to deliver which are exceptional at the very least.

Some of the procedures used for Acne Scar at our clinic are:

  • Subscission: Subcutaneous sectioning lifts adhered scars, enhancing subsequent acne scar treatments.
  • Dermal Fillers: Used for quick scar elevation before important events like weddings.
  • IAL/ Vital hydration: Preferred for top results, achieving spotless, radiant skin post-treatment.
  • Laser Resurfacing: CO2 laser resurfacing stimulates collagen, reduces scars with minimal downtime.
  • Deep Chemical Peels: Specially useful for hyperpigmented and deep pitted acne scars.
  • Dermaroller: It's an instrument to restart micropillars of healing. Used to fill up superficial as well as deep acne scars.

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What causes acne scars?

Acne scars form when deep acne lesions damage the skin and underlying tissue, leading to permanent marks.

What are the types of acne scars?

Common types include atrophic scars (icepick, boxcar, and rolling scars) and hypertrophic or keloid scars.

What are the treatment options for acne scars?

Treatments include laser therapy, microneedling, chemical peels, subcision, dermal fillers, and topical treatments.

How long does it take to see results?

Results vary depending on the treatment, but improvement typically begins within a few weeks to months.

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