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Home care for Dryness, Itching, Burning
- Apply sunscreen 2-3 times per day and moisturizer 4-6 times per day till dryness / itching / burning persists.
- You do not need to wash your face all the time applying sunscreen or moisturizer, you can apply one over another without washing face.
- Stop all prescribed cream, use only sunscreen and moisturizer for 5-7 days.
- You can start your prescribed cream after talk with doctor.
- You can continue your antiacne/anti pigmentation medicines, unless told by doctor to stop oral medicines strictly.
- When you are applying moisturizer over dry skin, there may be burning fir 1-2 min, but it will resolves in 5-10 minutes.
- Avoid harsh soap and face wash for next 5 days.
- If there is itching / burning do not scratch, apply moisturizer.
- Avoid excessive sun exposure.
- Avoid excessive rubbing / washing over face.
- No stream / scrub / facial for next one week.
- Avoid use of cosmetics for next one week.
- Do not apply any home remedies over face.
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